Aug 20, 2023
For the SIMATIC S7-300 system and the ET 200M I/O system, the PM400 milestone (product phase-out announcement) is set for October 1, 2023. The S7-1500 system and the SIMATIC ET 200MP (Factory Automation) I/O system as well as the SIMATIC S7-400 and the SIMATIC ET 200SP HA I/O (Process Automation) systems are available as functional replacements. The discontinuation (PM410) is effective as of October 1, 2025.
Explanation of milestones during the phase-out phase
Announcement of product phase-out (PM400)
Components up to PM400 are available as new parts without restrictions.
However, once PM400 is reached, the components are removed from active marketing,
that means they are no longer listed in the catalog.
The product discontinuation (see PM490) is not planned before expiration of a 10-year period following PM400
. Due to the high dynamics of the component market, however, we cannot
guarantee that this can be ensured for all assemblies, despite careful planning.
Type discontinuation (PM410)
Until the PM410 milestone is reached, the components are still available as new parts. Afterwards, they will only
be available as spare parts or can be returned for repair. We reserve the right to deliver individual components
only in exchange for the defective part.
Discontinuation (PM490)
Components from PM490 can no longer be ordered. From milestone PM490 onwards,
only warranty cases will be handled. Replacement and repair will only be carried out
within the scope of liability for defects.
Below you will find overview tables with the planned dates for the discontinuation of the individual components
of the S7-300 / ET 200M and references to corresponding successor products.
The overview table for the Factory Automation customers contains five worksheets:
* S7-300 CPU: contains all CPUs of the S7-300
* S7-300 IO: contains all IO, CM, CP/TM, FM of the S7-300
* S7-300 accessories: contains all accessories of the S7-300
* ET 200M: contains all Interface Modules as well as ET 200M specific accessories
* SIPLUS: comprises information about the SIPLUS components of the S7-300 with extended
ambient conditions
Download overview table Factory Automation
2023_04_Phase_out_plan_S7-300_ET200M_FactoryAutomation.xlsx (94,0 KB)
The overview table for the Process Automation customers
* ET 200M: contains all Interface Modules as well as ET 200M specific accessories
* S7-300 IO: contains all IO, CM, CP, FM of the S7-300
* S7-300 accessories: contains all accessories of the S7-300
Download overview table Process Automation
2023_04_Phase_out_plan_S7-300_ET200M_ProcessAutomation.xlsx (41,9 KB)
Recommended Product
The most appropriate functionally suitable successor product is listed here.
Alternative Product
A functionally alternative product is listed here. This can be functionally higher, for example,
it may contain additional parameters and/or diagnostics. In some special cases,
a successor product may cover only part of the functionality
In each case, you should check the suitability of the technical features of the respective component
or the intended use and application.
Information and support for migration at Factory Automation customers
In addition, the overview table contains further information about the corresponding successor components
for the SIMATIC S7-1500 and the SIMATIC ET 200MP I/O systems.
Summarized information about all components of the successor system S7-1500 / ET 200MP can be found
in the SIMATIC S7-1500 Manual Collection 59191792
If you have any questions regarding the migration, please contact your local sales representative.
Information and support for migration at Process Automation customers
In addition, the overview table contains further information about the corresponding successor components
for the SIMATIC ET 200SP HA I/O system: ET 200SP HA
The manuals and all further information on the ET 200SP HA successor system can be found on
the ET 200SP HA start page in the Siemens Industry Online Support 109747953
All information about migration to the SIMATIC ET 200SP HA can be found on this migration
overview in the Siemens Industry Online Support
Officall website link: https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/document/109809890/information-about-the-product-phase-out-of-s7-300-et-200m-components?dti=0&lc=en-ZA