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Establishing, building and maintaining TRUST since 2000

Since our inception in 2000, A and A Dynamic Distributors has been wholly focused on building strategic distribution relationships, supplying major branded switchgear and auxiliaries for complex and demanding factory automation applications within the African region. We continually strive to build brand partnership through an environment that serves to profit our suppliers and customers with fair trading conditions. This has given rise to A and A being a noteworthy front runner and one of the most trusted names in the trade.

It’s no longer about who is better; it is about what is sustainable; a continual growing relationship.

Embracing the principle of long-term sustainability allows us support our customers in minimizing costs and risks. We help streamline their procurement decisions, addressing complex technical issues like product compatibility and functionality. By doing so, our clients can concentrate more on what matters most: their core business. Together, we create a path toward efficient and sustainable growth.

No business is too small to serve,
nor too big to fulfil.

[Certain things] will destroy us;
Wealth without work…Business without ethics.
Mahatma Gandhi

No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.

Theodore Roosevelt
This philosophy lays out our values, ideas, and plans for the future. Together with the principles of good will and cooperation, it represents a binding basis for employees and management with our suppliers and customers dynamic relationships. With dedication, we are to be a valuable collaborative partner focused on building strategic distributorship, exceeding business obligations, promoting higher standards of industrial relations and fair trade, ultimately growing with the industry and building the economy.
Practicing this code of conduct sets our level of service standards and morale when it comes to our business activities, providing a guideline on how we behave and transact in good faith based on trust, integrity and truthfulness, and in turn positively influences our business approach and our attitude towards our own professional and personal development..
What we work for together, we believe the outcomes will turn out for the collective betterment, because we care enough to ensure what matters, matter. Not for one but for everyone.
Commitment to Customers
Significance to Suppliers
Support for our People
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